Join us
Thank you
We appreciate your interest in Lewis Township Fire and Rescue. Our department relies on volunteers to protect our community and we are always in need of dedicated people willing to help.
This is a commitment
The most important thing to know prior to joining our department is that it is a commitment.
We require that our members respond to a minimum of 10% of our total volume of emergency response calls or staff the station for 36 hours per month. Calls typically take an average of 1 to 1 and a half hours, with some responses lasting 3 hours or more. In 2020, Lewis Township Fire and Rescue responded to 553 calls and, in 2021, we responded to a record 636 calls. Responding to calls is how we make a difference.
Additionally, we meet regularly on every Tuesday evening at 7 PM. During these meetings we train, maintain our equipment, and conduct department business. Also, new members are required to attend probationary training which are above and beyond our regular trainings, for the first 6 months of their membership. We train to keep each other and the public safe.
We recognize that this is a large time commitment. We urge you to discuss this commitment with your friends and family before deciding to join.

How to join
Volunteering with Lewis Township Fire and Rescue begins by completing and submitting an application for consideration. We accept applications at all times, however, we only take on new members for probationary training twice per year. Submitted applications will remain on file and be tabled for membership each January and July.
We have several ways volunteers can serve their community:
Traditional Membership: Traditional Members must respond to a minimum of 10% of our total calls. Candidates must live within the fire district or within a reasonable distance from the station (located at 19770 Cypress Ave).
EMS-Only Members: EMS-Only Members must respond to a minimum of 7% of our total calls. EMS-Only Members are not required to respond to fire emergencies and primarily respond only to Emergency Medical Service (EMS) calls and traffic accidents. Candidates must live within the fire district or within a reasonable distance from the station (located at 19770 Cypress Ave).
Hourly Members: Hourly Members staff the station for 36 hours per month and respond to calls that occur during their scheduled shift. There are no geographical restrictions for Hourly Members. These members may also respond to calls outside of their shift if they wish.
All applicants must obtain a physical (paid for by the department) and complete additional paperwork as part of the application process.
Applications are due twice per year: the first Tuesday of January and the first Tuesday of July. The department membership will vote to accept the application as a probationary member during either the February or August business meeting. If the application is accepted, the individual will begin their 6 month probationary period and training.
Detailed instructions on the application process are contained in our new member application, linked below.
Stop by the station and introduce yourself at one of our Tuesday night meetings. We meet each Tuesday at 7 PM and would be happy to talk with you about what we do.
Get started by submitting the application below.